Introducing Huvan
Imagine a world where you never have to feel tired or weak again. Where you can step into your day rest assured that you can work efficiently, and work is no longer a back-breaking chore. Introducing hUVan- hUVan is your one-stop solution to muscle weakness, bone fragility and fatigue. By mimicking sunrays, hUVan utilizes UV technology to stimulate Vitamin D production, an essential vitamin that keeps your bones, teeth and muscles healthy! Remember those awful days when getting out of bed feels like a hassle? With hUVan you'll never have to experience that again.
Our technology
Our UV light bulb incorporates the functions of a regular incandescent lightbulb. It will utilize dual functionality not limited to a regular incandescent bulb. The bulb is intended to be hung down from a ceiling in order to utilize “upper room process UV,” a term typically used when referring to disinfectant UVC rays. We will utilize a built-in timer so that for every fifty-eight minutes in an hour, the UV light treatment will be administered. It is recommended to receive about fifteen to thirty minutes of sunlight per day so we decided on sixteen minutes is in order to make sure that all skin tones are being accounted for.
How we are different:
Unlike previous solutions to Vitamin D deficiencies, this UV bulb intends to be automatic so that people don’t have to actively remember to take supplements or prepare meals using fish or fish oils. This solution also makes it easy for people working in office buildings, astronauts in space and even school students to receive the recommended level of Vitamin D needed to function at peak levels of performance. It will reduce the suffering of people by taking away their muscle weakness and pain, fatigue, and bone fragility. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that as we become more and more inclined towards indoor careers and city lifestyles, many people are losing out on its essential benefits. By using this bulb, we can prevent hypocalcemia, or low calcium in blood. When the body isn’t absorbing calcium due to lack of Vitamin D, it leaches calcium from bones and bone demineralization occurs rapidly. This manifests as osteoporosis in adults and rickets in children.
Our plans
The innovation is designed for two scenarios: for the general setting and personalized plan. When users such as corporations order in bulk for their offices, the UV bubbles will utilize the 297 nanometers wavelength at a UV index of 2 for 2 minutes per hour. However, when a user purchases the individualized plan, they will be directed towards a form that will ask them questions such as their skin tone, age and medical history. This will be used to curate a formula that will best suit them. This can include how long they should be exposed to the light and other factors that will help them increase their overall Vitamin D and give them better benefits. Users ideally use these bulbs by simply fixating them into the ceiling, preferably in the center of the room for equal UV distribution but may fixate them towards room ceiling corners if they please.
Who We Are
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Our Survey Infographic
Here are the results of the survey we conducted to research the prevalence and the severity of Vitamin D deficiencies: